Leading the way: Investing in a cleaner, more resilient tomorrow

Our focus on environmental stewardship is an integral part of who we are and how we help create sustainable value for our communities. We understand that protecting our natural resources is necessary for meeting our stakeholders’ needs today and those of future generations. We're working year-round to address climate issues, reduce greenhouse gas emissions across our value chain and protect our natural resources.

Through our commitments to addressing climate change, we've been creating sustainable value for more than two decades. In 2001, we were the first utility in the United States to set a voluntary greenhouse gas emissions goal. Today, we operate one of the cleanest large-scale power generation fleets in the country, as noted by the independent .

Graph showing carbon dioxide emission rate of top 20 privately or investor-owned power producers and Entergy's standing.
Above: Carbon dioxide emission rate of top 20 privately or investor-owned power producers.

Our climate actions drive our growth story. We’re transitioning our generation fleet in response to customers' interest in low-carbon and carbon-free power, which will minimize the impact of our anticipated growth and help customers meet their own clean energy goals. We also plan to stop all our coal power operations by the end of 2030.

Graph showing Entergy's sources of energy.

Above: Includes generation from both owned and purchased power resources.

Our climate goals and overall progress are in our . Earlier reports are available here.

Read our latest climate report

We maintain a forward-looking  and recently updated our . Our vision statement and policy commit us to consider sustainability in all that we do, not only through environmentally responsible behavior but also through our support of initiatives that promote local and global prosperity. Additional environmental guiding documents and resources are available on our ESG disclosures page.